I unequivocally condemn the vicious repression of members of the Shittes by security agents on 16th April 2018, which reportedly led to alleged killings of some of the peaceful protesters and fatal injuries sustained by numerous other protesters.
Repression of peaceful protesters is unimaginable under a supposed civil Rule.
I call on the labour movement, organised labour, the NLC and TUC, to take practical action in defence of basic rights of the Shittes to protest peacefully.
The APC-controlled Federal Government has demonstrated, time and again, that it is lawless, having failed to obey the orders of the court that Elzakzakky and his Wife be released from detention without trial.
The PMB-led Federal Government has lost all legitimate right to remain in power. If PMB lacks the capacity to remove the heads of security agencies who are responsible for the killing of peaceful protesters, the National Assembly should take steps to impeach PMB for the abysmal failure to maintain or guarantee security of lives.
We call for the immediate release of Elzakzakky, his Wife and all those who have been arrested and detained in the course of peaceful protests for the release of Elzakzakky.
Repression of fundamental rights being experienced under the APC-controlled Federal Government does not justify the sacrifices made by ordinary people who resisted military dictstorship.