It has been brought to our notice the existence of an alleged Establishment WhatsAppp platform purporting to have the support of Chief Bode George.
This is not true. It is outrightly misleading, outrageous, mischievous, fraudulent and basically disingenuous. Chief Bode George firmly dissociates himself from these vain and untoward characters who for reasons best known to them are desperate to deceive the law abiding members of our party into believing in a contrived, deceitful mirage.
Chief Bode George does not belong to any group. He has never been. And he does not encourage it. He is simply a leader within the PDP fold and beyond. He has made it clear several times both in private and in the public space that any grouping within the PDP is unconstitutional, illegal and illegitimate.
He remains steadfastly committed to this vision of one unifying PDP family. He does not believe in any delusional 35, 65 or whatever diversionary twaddle of rabble rousing loafers who seek refuge in chaos and sponsored enmity.
We strongly warn the crude forces of sponsored machinations and agents of deliberate discord sowing to desist from using Chief Bode George’s name in their dubious schemings . Enough please !!!
*Prince Uthman Shodipe-Dosunmu
Special Adviser to Chief Bode George